English version

Our beach resort is situated in “Ostia Lido”, that is to say the beach of Rome, Italy. Our zone is certainly the most beautiful in Ostia, because is very close to the Presidential Natural Park of Capocotta, therefore we still have the original sand, and the sea is the most clean and spectacular of the zone (for that you can see the attached image gallery).

In our resort you’ll find all kind of services, such as a kids’ playground, bathing huts with showers inside, two table tennis, a beach volley ground, a kids’ soccer ground, a beach shop, etc. We clean our beach each day with modern tractors, in order to keep it clean and safe for you and for your children.

In springtime and summertime the restaurant is open seven days a week, from 8 a.m. ’till nightime. You will taste our pizza, fish, meat and all kind of italian cuisine.

If you’ve got a car is very easy to reach our resort (see the street view in the dedicated page of this site). You can get to our resort even by train or by bus. If you need any help, please write me to my e mail. For special prices for groups, and for any kind of information, please don’t hesitate to contact me, sending me an e. mail to robertocherubini@libero.it

Please, do come, and enjoy the beach of Rome!

English version. Daily prices summer 2024

From Mondays to Fridays:

From Mondays to Fridays:

Dressing room, showers and general services. Price per day €2,50 Deck-bed €5,00
Bathing hut with no shower inside. The price includes the entrance for 2 persons €20,00 Beach umbrella €5,00
Bathing hut with shower with cold and hot water The price includes the entrance for 2 persons €25,00 Deck-chair €4,00

Only on Saturdays and on Sundays:

Only on Saturdays and on Sundays:

Dressing room, showers and general services. Price per day € 3,00 Deck-bed €6,00
Bathing hut with no shower inside. The price includes the entrance for 2 persons €20,00 Beach umbrella €7,00
Bathing hut with shower with cold and hot water The price includes the entrance for 2 persons.
25,00 Deck-chair €5,00

Seven days a week:

Car Park €3,00
Motorbyke park €1,00
Table tennis (price per hour) €5,00

Stabilimento Balneare Soc. LIDO AL.MA s.r.l. - Via A. Vespucci 172 00122 Ostia Lido (Roma) tel/fax: 06 56470631 - Part.IVA : 00964781009